Whatever your requirements, CSS Pest Services will produce an effective programme and service level for your pest control requirements designed to fit your specific needs.
Monitoring and control
Whether you are looking for rodent control in the grounds of a small office block or need to protect a large food manufacturing site we will implement a monitoring and control regime that will meet your legal obligations as well as the more stringent 3rd party audit requirements.
CSS Pest Services is extermely experienced to working to specific customer protocols such as those for BRC, Tesco, M&S, Soil Association, SALSA, AIB and many more.
We are also often asked to carry out audits on the processes and quality of work of other pest control companies.
Service Inspections
Regular service inspections with all our commercial clients, at intervals that are commensurate to the pest risk as well as determined by the requirements of their industry and type and size of premises. All service staff are Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) Level 2 qualified as a minimun and are registered with the British Pest Control Association Independent Register of trained and competent pest control staff.
Professional development is ongoing for all field staff with regular refresher training and briefings on any changes in legislation and/or best practice.
Biologist Inspections
Inspecting for Stored Products Insects (SPI Pest control)

We have a very experienced and highly qualified technical team who carry out Biologist Inspections and provide support to our field staff and customers, particularly in identifying Stored Product Insects. The most common of these are Biscuit beetles, flour beetles, the sawtooth grain beetle and tobacco beetles. Distinguishing one from another is key in being able to recommend the safest and most effective means of pest control as well as in monitoring the success of exclusion techniques.
Biologists are qualified to degree level or above and are expected to achieve the BPCA Certification.
Access to your data
Our Biologist Inspections are extremely detailed and provide a large amount of useful information for our customers, to ensure our customers can make best use of this data it is available to download from our website, This means the latest report can be accessed at any time and compared to previous inspections. They therefore become an extremely important tool for managing pest issues, improving hygiene systems and recommending solutions to engineering problems.