Pest Control Consultants – to the industry

The pest control expertise of CSS Pest Services is recognised nationally and we are frequently called in to provide other professionals with training, advice and recommendations on specialist topics.

Pest Control Advice – to any industry

We are always happy to consult and advise on any of the following:

  • Complying with the requirements of third party audits, eg for retailers
  • Controlling a particular pest species
  • Identifying pests and the damage they cause
  • Cost-effective ways to improve your pest control practices
  • The best pest defence systems
  • An improved hygiene regime

Our customers are from the food industry, restaurants and cafes, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, packing plants, construction and many other industries so there are very few pest problems we haven’t seen and dealt with.

Auditing your current Pest Control protocols

When did you last review your pest control protocols? Have you done a biological audit recently? Our qualified field biologists will monitor and record the species infesting your premises and we can audit existing pest control routines and treatments and ensure you have the most effective fully-trackable systems in place.


We offer a range of pest control training programmes for staff at all levels.

These include Pest Awareness courses, Pest Control training and they can be tailored to your specific requirements.

To discuss any of our consultancy services please Call CSS Environmental Pest Services on 0800 254 5003. Or email