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Bees or Wasps?
As we enter springtime and the weather gets warmer and the days get longer honeybees start swarming and becoming more active.

Bumblebees are starting to make ...
Pest activity is on the increase during the Covid-19 shutdown
CSS Pest Services and British Pest Control Association (BPCA) are keeping a watching brief on pest issues after a survey revealed a significant spike in ...
Termites in Derbyshire?
CSS Pest Services, identified a small colony, initially thought to contain up to 30 termites, during a routine inspection at one of our customer premises.

After ...
Key Worker Status for Pest Management Professionals
Pest management has been confirmed as an essential sector during the Covid-19 pandemic by George Eustice, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ...
Supporting your business at this time
Pest control and pest management remains critical to public health and safety across all sectors of service and industry. Ensuring you are pest free once ...
Service during the Covid-19 outbreak
Our priorities are the wellbeing of our customers and staff, and we are writing to update you on the Coronavirus Covid 19 situation, from the ...
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